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3-tricks-to-start-working-despite-not-feeling-like #

3 tricks to start working despite not feeling like it #

Created: January 21, 2020 6:39 PM Tags: Productivity URL: Ever wish you felt like creating that presentation? It’s easy to start when we feel like it. But here’s the thing: **we don’t have to feel like it to start. **When you get tired of thinking about a piece of work and feeling bad for not finishing it yet, go “screw it, let’s do it” and start with something, anything. **

Start sloppy #

Another trick to start sloppy - you might have high expectations of your finished work. **When you know that you don’t have to make the greatest thing ever right from the start, it’s easier to start. **

Start small #

You probably don’t feel like creating a 20 slide presentation right now from scratch and presenting it in 2 hours.