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Ask-HN-Burning-Out-Hacker-News #

Non-founder team lead is unhappy some minor issues have slipping in the chaotic process of getting this to market. Founders are very please, but getting poor feedback from team lead. Team lead has hindered more than helped, gives conflicting advice, blows hot and cold, has created a toxic environment etc. Admittedly some minor things have slipped through the cracks, but much of this comes from my team lead playing politics, creating silos and conflicts etc. My team lead is grinding me down with their constant nitpicking and I really just want to go and do something else, anything else, work in a bar or something. Lots of others have take issue with my team lead as well, so its not just me. I don’t think I’d come across very well (or as sharp as I usually) in interviews at the moment without a break.