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Business-Models #

Business Models #

Created: December 8, 2019 10:20 AM Tags: Finance, Startup URL: Indeed. Some of these models are partially-applied functions - they’re missing the part that actually makes them money. For instance:

Network effects (can come in different forms such as direct, two-sided, data): Facebook — the value of the product increases as more people use it Network effects keeps the users in, money is made by ads and surveillance. Crowdsourcing: YouTube — aggregate content/product from users individuals and distributes them at scale Really, it’s also a form of network effects (viewers go where most content is; creators go where most viewers are), and again, money is made by ads and surveillance. Also, missing models:

  • Regulatory arbitrage: Uber - conquering markets by breaking local laws faster than the regulators can react. Also2:

Open-source: Bitcoin Bitcoin is not a company and does not have a business model. “Donations” and “Paid support” are.