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Don-t-nest-your-curlies #

Don’t nest your curlies #

Created: March 6, 2020 10:01 AM URL: Don’t Nest Your Curlies

If dbt errors out earlyand your models are building quite poorlydon’t post to the slackjust take a step backand check if you’re nesting your curlies.

When writing jinja code in a dbt project, it may be tempting to nest expressions inside of each other. Take this example:

{{ dbt_utils.date_spine(
start_date=[ USE JINJA HERE ]

To nest a jinja expression inside of another jinja expression, simply place the desired code (without curly brackets) directly into the expression. Once we’ve denoted that we’re inside a jinja expression (using the {{ syntax), no further curly brackets are required inside of the jinja expression. {{ dbt_utils.date_spine( datepart=“day”, start_date="{{ var(‘start_date’) }}" ) }}

There is one exception to this rule: curlies inside of curlies are acceptable in hooks (ie.
Code like this is both valid, and encouraged:

{{ config(post_hook=“grant select on {{ this }} to role bi_role”) }}

So why are curlies inside of curlies allowed in this case?
"table"....` being executed against the database.