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Effortless-API-Request-Caching-with-Python-Redis #

Effortless API Request Caching with Python & Redis | Red’s Digressions #

Created: May 25, 2020 3:09 PM URL: Recently, I was working with MapBox’s Route Optimization API. Here the requested coordinate-string will be the key and the response will be the corresponding value

  • Setting a timeout on the records
  • Serving new requests from cache if the records exist
  • Only send a new request to MapBox API if the response is not cached and then add that response to cache

Setting Up Redis & RedisInsight #

To proceed with the above workflow, you’ll need to install and setup Redis database on your system.

# docker-compose.yml
version: "3.2"
container_name: redis-cont
image: "redis:alpine"
command: redis-server --requirepass ubuntu
- "6379:6379"
# save redisearch data to your current working directory
- ./redis-data:/data
# Save if 100 keys are added in every 10 seconds
- "--save 10 100"
# Set password
- "--requirepass ubuntu"
redisinsight: # redis db visualization dashboard
container_name: redisinsight-cont
image: redislabs/redisinsight
- 8001:8001
- redisinsight:/db

The above docker-compose file has two services, redis and redisinsight.

def route_optima(coordinates: str) -> dict:
# First it looks for the data in redis cache
data = get_routes_from_cache(key=coordinates)
# If cache is found then serves the data from cache
if data is not None:
data = json.loads(data)
data["cache"] = True
return data
# If cache is not found then sends request to the MapBox API
data = get_routes_from_api(coordinates)
# This block sets saves the respose to redis and serves it directly
if data["code"] == "Ok":
data["cache"] = False
data = json.dumps(data)
state = set_routes_to_cache(key=coordinates, value=data)
if state is True:
return json.loads(data)
return data

This part of the code wraps the original Route Optimization API and exposes that as a new endpoint.

coordinates = “90.3866,23.7182;90.3742,23.7461” #

return route_optima(coordinates) #

import json import sys from datetime import timedelta import httpx import redis from fastapi import FastAPI def redis_connect() -> redis.client.Redis: try: client = redis.Redis( host=“localhost”, port=6379, password=“ubuntu”, db=0, socket_timeout=5, ) ping = if ping is True: return client except redis.AuthenticationError: print(“AuthenticationError”) sys.exit(1) client = redis_connect() def get_routes_from_api(coordinates: str) -> dict: “““Data from mapbox api.””” state = client.setex(key, timedelta(seconds=3600), value=value,) return state def route_optima(coordinates: str) -> dict:

First it looks for the data in redis cache #

data = get_routes_from_cache(key=coordinates)

If cache is found then serves the data from cache #

if data is not None: data = json.loads(data) data[“cache”] = True return data else:

If cache is not found then sends request to the MapBox API #

data = get_routes_from_api(coordinates)

This block sets saves the respose to redis and serves it directly #

if data[“code”] == “Ok”: data[“cache”] = False data = json.dumps(data) state = set_routes_to_cache(key=coordinates, value=data) if state is True: return json.loads(data) return data app = FastAPI() @app.get("/route-optima/{coordinates}") def view(coordinates: str) -> dict: “““This will wrap our original route optimization API and incorporate Redis Caching.

coordinates = “90.3866,23.7182;90.3742,23.7461” #

return route_optima(coordinates)

You can copy the complete code to a file named `` and run the app using the command below (assuming redis, redisinsight is running and you’ve installed the dependencies beforehand):

uvicorn –host –port 5000 –reload

This will run a local server where you can send new request with coordinates.