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Emotional-Debt #

Emotional Debt #

Created: April 17, 2020 9:43 PM URL:

I saw some TV show where some guy said he flew more than a hundred missions in the Air Force and was shot at in all of them. With nerves of steel, he made a killing. I think the trouble with anecdotes is there is always a counter anecdote. Someone who had spent a fair amount of time in the military, including combat, decided to become a doctor later in life. Nothing in the military/combat prepared him for this. I don’t know how common this sentiment is in the medical industry, but I do remember a medical student friend of mine talking about how in smaller cities, surgeons work hard to make the lives of other surgeons difficult, in the hopes that they will leave and they can thus charge hospitals more to perform surgeries (even though the need for more surgeons existed). Anyway, I don’t see this as a “first world problem” or a “good problem to have”.