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Extract-HubSpot-data-for-analytics-Fivetran-implem #

Extract HubSpot data for analytics | Fivetran implementation #

Created: April 18, 2020 6:11 PM URL: HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales software that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.

Features #


Setup guide #

Follow our step-by-step HubSpot setup guide to connect HubSpot with your destination using Fivetran connectors.

HubSpot Marketing Schema #

HubSpot Sales/CRM Schema #

Deleted Rows #

The HubSpot API doesn’t make deleted records available so Fivetran can’t mark deleted records in the destination warehouse.

Update Frequency #

Because the HubSpot API does not offer a mechanism to capture deletes, Fivetran infers deletes for the tables listed below. We perform a full import of these tables once a day, compare them to the previous version, and mark deletes using the _fivetran_deleted system column:

  • FORM

HubSpot Developer Preview API #

We maintain the following tables using the HubSpot developer preview API, so there are sometimes structural changes in these tables. We’re always happy to help with any other questions you might have! [Send us an email.