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GitHub-jarun-buku-Browser-independent-bookmark-m #

GitHub - jarun/buku: Browser-independent bookmark manager #

Created: March 29, 2020 1:00 PM URL:

buku #

GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f72656c656173652f6a6172756e2f62756b752e7376673f6d61784167653d363030 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f7265706f6c6f67792e6f72672f62616467652f74696e792d7265706f732f62756b752e737667 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f707970692f762f62756b752e7376673f6d61784167653d363030 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f636972636c6563692f70726f6a6563742f6769746875622f6a6172756e2f62756b752e737667 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f72656164746865646f63732e6f72672f70726f6a656374732f62756b752f62616467652f3f76657273696f6e3d6c6174657374 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f707269766163792de29c932d6372696d736f6e GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f6c6963656e73652d47504c76332d79656c6c6f772e7376673f6d61784167653d32353932303030 GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f61736369696e656d612e6f72672f612f3133373036352e706e67 buku in action! * GitHub%20-%20jarun%20buku%20Browser-independent%20bookmark%20m%20a141975bbaca41e38da331e040915b9a/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f50617950616c2d646f6e6174652d3165623066632e737667

Table of Contents #

Features #

  • Store bookmarks with auto-fetched title, tags and description
  • Auto-import from Firefox, Google Chrome and Chromium
  • Open bookmarks and search results in browser
  • Shorten, expand URLs, browse cached page from Wayback Machine
  • Text editor integration
  • Lightweight, clean interface, custom colors
  • Powerful search options (regex, substring…)
  • Continuous search with on the fly mode switch
  • Portable, merge-able database to sync between systems
  • Import/export bookmarks from/to HTML, Markdown or Orgfile
  • Smart tag management using redirection (», >, < export Orgfile, if file ends with ‘.org’ format: *[[url][title]] :tags: export buku DB, if file ends with ‘.db’ combines with search results, if opted -i, –import file import bookmarks based on file extension supports ‘html’, ‘json’, ‘md’, ‘org’, ‘db’ -p, –print […] show record details by indices, ranges print all bookmarks, if no arguments -n shows the last n results (like tail) -f, –format N limit fields in -p or JSON search output N=1: URL; N=2: URL, tag; N=3: title; N=4: URL, title, tag; N=5: title, tag; N0 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) omits DB index -j, –json JSON formatted output for -p and search –colors COLORS set output colors in five-letter string –nc disable color output -n, –count N show N results per page (default 10) –np do not show the prompt, run and exit -o, –open […] browse bookmarks by indices and ranges open a random bookmark, if no arguments –oa browse all search results immediately –replace old new replace old tag with new tag everywhere delete old tag, if new tag not specified –shorten index|URL fetch shortened url from service –expand index|URL expand a shortened url –cached index|URL browse a cached page from Wayback Machine –suggest show similar tags when adding bookmarks –tacit reduce verbosity –threads N max network connections in full refresh default N=4, min N=1, max N=10 -V check latest upstream version available -z, –debug show debug information and verbose logs SYMBOLS:


  • comment

tags #

PROMPT KEYS: 1-N browse search result indices and/or ranges O [id|range […]] open search results/indices in GUI browser toggle try GUI browser if no arguments a open all results in browser s keyword […] search for records with ANY keyword S keyword […] search for records with ALL keywords d match substrings (‘pen’ matches ‘opened’) r expression run a regex search t [tag, …] search by tags; show taglist, if no args g taglist id|range […] [»|>|<

  • Alternative search engine with perks

privacy,search engine #

where, >: url, +: comment, #: tags
**Export** bookmarks tagged `tag 1` or `tag 2` to HTML, Markdown, Orgfile or a new database:

$ buku -e bookmarks.html –stag tag 1, tag 2 $ buku -e –stag tag 1, tag 2 $ buku -e –stag tag 1, tag 2 $ buku -e bookmarks.db –stag tag 1, tag 2

All bookmarks are exported if search is not opted.
**Search** bookmarks for **ANY** of the keywords `kernel` and `debugging` in URL, title or tags:

$ buku kernel debugging $ buku -s kernel debugging

**Replace tag** 'old tag' with 'new tag':

$ buku –replace ‘old tag’ ’new tag’

**Append (or delete) tags** 'tag 1', 'tag 2' to (or from) existing tags of bookmark at index 15012014:

$ buku -u 15012014 –tag + tag 1, tag 2 $ buku -u 15012014 –tag - tag 1, tag 2

### Related projects
- [bukubrow](, WebExtension for browser integration
- [oil](, search-as-you-type cli front-end
- [buku_run](, rofi front-end
- [pinku](, a Pinboard-to-buku import utility
- [buku-dmenu](, a simple bash dmenu wrapper
- [poku](, sync between Pocket and buku
- [Ebuku](, Emacs interface to buku
### In the Press
- [2daygeek](
- [Hacker Milk](
- [It's F.O.S.S.