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How-to-set-up-a-custom-domain-for-your-homepage-in #

How to set up a custom domain for your homepage in Notion #

Created: January 29, 2020 9:01 AM Tags: How To URL: ! Notion itself does not provide this function yet, according to their twitter we might see it someday: Luckily I have found this gist from mayneyao. And this is why I decided to create a step by step guide on how to set up custom domains for Notion. To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • Custom domain and access to the DNS settings * Page in Notion that should be your landing page * Account on CloudFlare Let’s start with the page itself. For our use case, we will make use of the Workers feature that will forward incoming requests from users to the public Notion page that we have created earlier. Modify them using your domain in your domain and public Notion page in start page url. If everything went smoothly and the * Notion page is set to public * the nameservers on your domain provider were changed * CloufFlare successfully verified your domain You should be able to see your public Notion page after entering your domain in the URL of your browser: Each use-case is different.