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199 words·1 min

How-to-take-smart-notes-Ahrens-2017-LessWrong #

These are notes made only for a project, such as a note that collects all the notes that you’d want to assemble into a paper. You can experiment with other ways to make the notes and you will see immediately what works and what doesn’t. Prepare the literature notes so that when you make permanent notes, you can elaborate on the texts, that is, describe the context, find connections and contrasts and contradictions with other texts.

There are three kinds of links between notes:

  • Index -> Entry point note
  • Note -> Note
  • Note Note At the top level, there is one note called “Index”. Luhmann would make these notes to be an annotated list of notes that cover various aspects of the topic. Followed by: [link 5] [link 6] …

After reading this note, you can go along the sequence and read “Followed by” notes, or take a sideways stride and follow the horizontal link [link 3]. Ideally, you should make the network of slip-box notes to be like a small-world network, with a few notes having many connections, and some notes having “weak ties” to far-away notes (Granovetter, Mark S, 1977 The Strength of Weak Ties).