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Indoor Environmental Quality :: Aging In Place :: About Healthy Heating #

Created: May 23, 2020 11:46 AM URL: We support the purposes and missions of the healthy house instituteTM I consider Robert Bean to be one of the most knowledgeable professionals in this field. Not just in North America, but globally. Robert presents the “big picture” of how indoor environmental quality affects human comfort, productivity, and health. He is adept at explaining that it’s not just room air temperature, but rather a complex interaction of room air temperature, humidity, mean radiant temperature, ventilation rate, lighting, sound, and even odors that determine the true quality of an interior environment. Robert explains complex topics in ways that are understandable, applicable, and entertaining. He doesn’t just share his opinions, but builds his points and recommendations upon solid research, extensive references, and scientific reason. An opportunity to learn the details of integrated system design from Robert is indeed one to be savored."