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Javascript-tracker-setup-snowplow-snowplow-Wiki #

Javascript tracker setup · snowplow/snowplow Wiki #

Created: April 25, 2020 9:36 AM URL: 1476001 HOME » SNOWPLOW SETUP GUIDE » Step 2: setup a Tracker » JavaScript Tracker Note: Before beginning this tutorial, you will first need to host the Snowplow JavaScript tracker file sp.js. Before you integrate Snowplow’s JavaScript Tracker, you need to decide whether you’ll integrate it with a tag management system, or implement the Snowplow tags directly onto your site. We strongly advise new Snowplow users who are not using a Tag Management solution to implement one before implementing Snowplow, and integrate Snowplow using it. We have documented how to setup Google Tag Manager and how to setup QuBit’s OpenTag, as well as how to integrate Snowplow using both these solutions, as part of this setup guide. Select a setup option below based on your choice of Tag Management solution: Once you have integrated tags on our site (either directly or via a tag manager) you should test that the tags are firing correctly. Setting up campaign tracking (optional but recommended). Back to Tracker Setup.