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Machine-Learning-1-Lesson-1-Hiromi-Suenaga-Med #


Syllabus in brief #

Depending on time and class interests, we’ll cover something like (not necessarily in this order): Train vs. test

  • Effective validation set construction Trees and ensembles
  • Creating random forests
  • Interpreting random forests What is ML? Ethical considerations Skip:
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Interactions
  • Monitoring training
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Momentum and LR annealing

Random Forest: Blue Book for Bulldozers #

%load_ext autoreload%autoreload 2%matplotlib inlinefrom fastai.imports import *from fastai.structured import *from pandas_summary import DataFrameSummaryfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifierfrom IPython.display import display

Data science ≠Software engineering [08:43]. Unstructured data: Images pandas is the most important library when you are working with structured data which is usually imported as pd. The variable we want to predict is called Dependent Variable in this case our dependent variable is SalePrice Question: Should you never look at the data because of the risk of overfit?

  • Create an instance of an object for the machine learning model
  • Call fit by passing in the independent variables (the things you are going to use to predict) and dependent variable (the thing you want to predict). It is important that validation and test sets will use the same category mappings (in other words, if you used 1 for “high” for a training dataset, then 1 should also be for “high” in validation and test datasets).
df, y, nas = proc_df(df_raw, 'SalePrice')

proc_df in

  • df — data frame
  • y_fld — name of the dependent variable
  • It makes a copy of the data frame, grab the dependent variable values (y_fld), and drop the dependent variable from the data frame.