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Simple-Analytics #

Simple Analytics #

Created: December 14, 2019 10:38 AM Tags: Startup URL: Referral program At Simple Analytics we do things a bit differently. Traditional analytics tools will show you unique visits based on a cookie they place on the visitors computer.

With Simple Analytics you don’t need consent. That’s why we came up with our unique way of tracking unique visits. Simple%20Analytics%203bf12c1c35614c37890c8cbd562f7eab/referrer-visit.jpg When a user lands on your website without visiting another website (direct visit) we will record it as a non unique visit: ! Simple%20Analytics%203bf12c1c35614c37890c8cbd562f7eab/direct-visit.jpg

SPAs #

If you have a single-page application we automatically see all visits after the first visit as non unique. For the first visit we use above functionality to detect if a visit is unique.