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Startup-Marketing-Advice-from-Balsamiq-Studio-The #

Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio | The Balsamiq Blog | Balsamiq #

Created: May 25, 2020 9:58 PM URL: First off, the title of this post is a bit pretentious for my taste, but I wanted to pay homage to Mike Speiser’s excellent post on A/B testing using AdWords, and take advantage of his $10.87 investment while I was at it! Still, I can’t deny that Balsamiq has received a very good amount of coverage in the blogosphere: I am timing this post to coincide with the 100th review of Balsamiq Mockups (the full list is here), the website has received over 32,000 unique visitors and sales are exceeding all my expectations. After reading this article I decided to add this section to my company page and to tweak my “direct email template” (see below), and after reading this one I created an OPML file for Balsamiq’s feeds, which in the end resulted in Marshall covering Balsamiq on ReadWriteWeb himself. Peldi ————————————————— Giacomo ‘Peldi’ Guilizzoni Founder, Balsamiq Studios, LLC ph: +1 (415) 367-3531, Skype, GTalk, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed: balsamiq

If you are reading this and were on the receiving end of an email like this, forgive me for sending you a templated email…but I sent 40+ of these puppies and efficiency is a must for a one-man startup like mine! I also have an RSS feed of a Twitter search for prototyping OR “UI AND design” OR wireframe OR mockup OR UX which is a great read in general, and useful for finding people who are looking for a tool like mine: here’s an example, and here’s another. Give to bloggers to give away Bloggers love to give away free stuff, as it makes their blog more popular. All I do is select the person’s name (from their email), copy it, paste it in the application, click “generate key”, and what I get is not only the key, but a pre-populated email like this one: Hi there, here’s your license info: Download URL: Organization name: test test Serial Key: [redacted] *I have some assets you can use here: if you’d like.