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Storytelling-tips-for-technical-interviews #

Given the importance of stories to the human mind, it seems there is no better way to explore it. You must assume the candidate will tell you the story you wish to hear; although most of the time, they won’t. Storytelling%20tips%20for%20technical%20interviews%201fa72afa1a72497cbfac10bb09a00fcd/worldbuilding.png Start the story at the point you think necessary, giving a recap on what happened until that point in which the story is taking place. By the time the candidate completes the story, from thousand possible paths, only one is going to remain explored. Most candidates don’t know how the story is supposed to advance and what places they need to explore. This gives the candidate time to adapt and be prepared to build the story further. But by the time the story is wrapping up, you should understand not only some of what the candidate knows, but you should also have connected with them at some level.