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The-Bash-Guide #

The Bash Guide #

Created: March 21, 2020 10:12 PM URL: This guide is an introduction to basic and advanced concepts of the bash shell. You can give back by providing feedback on the guide at the GitHub project page, making corrections by hitting the edit buttons on the chapter pages, sharing this guide with any of your friends that have similar interests so that they too may learn as you have, or contributing financially in gratitude for my work, time and effort put into writing and maintaining this guide. I’m done Commands And Arguments: How do I give bash instructions? beta About what a command is, and how to issue them; interactive mode and scripts; command syntax, searching commands and programs by name; arguments and word splitting as well as input and output redirection. alpha Bash parameters and variables; environment variables, special parameters and array parameters; expanding parameters, expansion operators, command substitution and process substitution; pathname expansion, tilde expansion and brace expansion. I’m done Colors And Terminal Commands: Advanced control over the terminal display. todo Terminals and terminal sequences, terminal identifiers, terminfo and terminal capabilities, outputting colors, moving the cursor and querying the terminal’s state.