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The-Beergame-App #

The Beergame App #

Created: March 23, 2020 6:10 PM URL:

Supply-Chain principles explained with a visual simulation #

Multi-player #

You may host sessions remotely, students can join wherever the are.Each user controls its own supply-chain stage : Retailer, Wholesaler, Distributor or Manufacturer.Missing some participants ? #

The%20Beergame%20App%201f287e5c83fa4fe4b683f82558cbfbdc/mini-game-desktop.dc36976e.png Game Introduction ! The%20Beergame%20App%201f287e5c83fa4fe4b683f82558cbfbdc/mini-stage-desktop.65e38298.png Stage

Play on Mobile #

Students can simply open the web page on their phone to play. #

The design will adapt to fit the screen nicely. Game Introduction Stage

Instructor Dashboard #

You need to sign up in order to create new games. #

The%20Beergame%20App%201f287e5c83fa4fe4b683f82558cbfbdc/mini-dashboard-mygames.b24f28b3.png My Games ! The%20Beergame%20App%201f287e5c83fa4fe4b683f82558cbfbdc/mini-dashboard-newgame.1ddff78c.png New Game

Analytics and Debriefing material #

Follow your performance data during the game. #