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Valuable-things-in-one-hour #

Valuable things in one hour #

Created: January 1, 2020 3:06 PM Tags: Self URL: Taking this also as a bit of an Ask HN: Easily the Tiny Habits habit formation regime created by Stanford researcher BJ Fogg. Quite nefarious use of psychology for advertising/“engagement”, but the plus side is you can use the same strategies to build habits you want to build. Step 1: Consider the habit you want to build, e.g. “I want to meditate 10 minutes every day” Step 2: Make it the absolute smallest possible version of itself; so small that it requires zero motivation/willpower, e.g. “I want to close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths every day” Step 3: Place this habit immediately following an existing habit, e.g. “After I brush my teeth in the morning, I will close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths” Step 4: Do this activity, and after each time you do it, reward yourself with a small celebration. I’ve used this method to pick up daily meditation, journaling, and flossing (acquired simultaneously!) I spent a month of the year just flossing 1 tooth each night (ridiculous, I know!

  • Part of the trick is finding a good habit to put your new habit after. You probably already have a lot more habits than you know, since the whole point of a habit is to be automatic.