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Why-you-should-have-a-startup-accountability-email #

Why you should have a startup accountability email list | Dan Moore! #

Created: March 8, 2020 2:52 PM URL: If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or get my posts in your inbox. I think if you are starting a company, you should absolutely have an email list of interested folks. Mailchimp makes this free. You can email to this list:

  • Progress you’ve made
  • Help you need (hiring, funding, finding customers, anything else)
  • Things you are proud of
  • Things you are bummed about
  • Interesting topics in your space We used this at a startup I was at a couple of years ago and found it super useful. You may share financials or pretty vulnerable asks on this list, so I’d avoid anyone who you wouldn’t ask for assistance from face to face. But if you are chatting with someone at a party and they are interested in and seem like they could help your startup, just say “Hey, I send out a monthly newsletter about our progress, would you mind if I added you?”